Christmas Concert Wed Dec 11/19

The afternoon performance is only for the Grade 1-8 Christmas Concert.  

1:45 pm  Grade 1-8 Christmas Concert  (Doors open at 1:20 pm)


The evening performances are:

5:30 pm Kindergarten Christmas Concert  (Doors will be open at 5 pm)

6:30 pm  Grade 1-8 Christmas Concert (Doors will be open at 6 pm)

The Green Team will be collecting donations of gently used forks and spoons for our school.  Every day students ask for plastic spoons or forks for their snack or lunch.  Our Green Team will be replacing our plastic utensils with donated forks and spoons to help make our school more environmentally friendly. Please place any extra forks and spoons you have into boxes/containers in our front foyer.  Thank you from our Green Team!

The Social Justice Team will be selling bracelets to support the One by One Guatemala initiative for $2 each.  They will also be accepting sock donations for Wyndham House.  Please place sock donations on our Christmas tree in the front foyer.

The Sacred Heart Catholic School Council will be selling tickets for our second annual golf tournament during the afternoon and evening performances.  Tickets for dinner and golf are $100 each.  Dinner only tickets are also available.  If you purchase tickets at the Christmas concert, you will receive a set of three golf balls that can be wrapped with tickets for Christmas!   All payments will be completed on school cash online so please bring your credit card if you are interested in purchasing golf tickets as a Christmas gift!

Our students and staff have been working diligently to prepare for our Christmas concert!  Special thanks to Ms. Furfaro for directing our concert and to the students who are MC's, the tech crew and the backstage crew.  Without their efforts, we could not make tomorrow happen!

Merry Christmas!  Joyeux Noel!  We look forward to seeing you on tomorrow!